Group for Attitudes and Persuasion
GAP was founded at Ohio State University in 1987. It consists of faculty and students who are interested in investigating basic and applied issues related to attitudes, persuasion, and evaluative processes in social judgment. The group meets weekly during the academic year to plan research, discuss completed research, and hear both formal and informal talks from internal and external speakers. On this web page you can find the current GAP schedule and information about both resident GAP members and alumni.
Cognitive Neuroscience Group
We have a vibrant community of Cognitive Neuroscientists in the Psychology department and other departments at Ohio State. Various labs use the 3T Siemens Trio MRI scanner at the Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Brain Imaging (CCBBI) ) or the department's new world-class EEG facility with two electromagnetically-shielded and sound-attenuated testing rooms, each with its own Brain Products active-electrode EEG system, to study perception, memory, decision making, development, and clinical conditions. If you are interested in pursuing cognitive neuroscience for your graduate studies, then please contact the relevant faculty and apply to the respective area in the Psychology graduate program. Regular MRI Users Meetings are a forum for the exchange of ideas and expertise within our community, and for the influx of new ideas from invited speakers.
Decision Psychology Group
The mission of the OSU Decision Psychology Group is to promote understanding of the psychological underpinnings of judgments that people form and decisions that they make. As such, it provides a valuable perspective on phenomena and mechanisms related to a wide variety of complex problems and across areas of psychology. The group meets weekly during the academic year to plan research, discuss completed research, and hear both formal and informal talks from internal and external speakers. The Decision Psychology group is particularly interested in exploring theory and questions addressed by and diverse methods used in current, cutting-edge, cross-area research in decision psychology (e.g., other areas of psychology and also economics, neuroscience, political science, communication, public health, medicine, environment, etc.).
Social Behavior Interest Group
The Social Behavior Interest Group consists of members of the university community who are interested in social psychological research. The SBIG supports an active program of visiting speakers. The group meets weekly to hear speakers describe their recent research. Since 1990, SBIG has brought in numerous distinguished visiting speakers. Presentations have included contemporary issues in the study of attitudes, social cognition, prejudice & stereotyping, and also applied research questions in the domains of health and consumer behavior.
Social Cognition Research Group
The mission of the OSU Social Cognition Research Group (SCRG) is to promote the understanding of phenomena important to social psychology by critically examining the cognitive factors that underlie or that are related to those phenomena. The group is particularly interested in exploring three particular phenomena: (1) the cognitive processes underlying the perception, memory, and judgment of social stimuli; (2) the effects of social, cultural and affective processes on the processing of information; and (3) the behavioral and interpersonal consequences of cognitive processes.