Faculty Promotion & Tenure

Frequently asked questions about promotion and tenure

When do I need to get teaching evaluations?

The Chair of the CEF oversees this process. If you will not be teaching an undergraduate course in the semester preceding review (e.g., Spring 2021 for review in Autumn 2021), contact the Chair early (either Autumn 2020 or Spring 2021) to make alternate arrangements. 4th -year review: Teaching evaluations are typically obtained during the Autumn semester preceding review (e.g., autumn 2021 for review in Spring 2022). Alert the Chair of the CEF if you are not teaching an undergraduate course then so that arrangements can be made to obtain a review in the preceding semester (e.g., Spring 2020). Promotion to Associate or Full Professor: Teaching evaluations are typically obtained during the Spring semester preceding review (e.g., Spring 2021 for review in Autumn 2021). Alert the Chair of the CEF if you are not teaching an undergraduate course then to make other arrangements. For promotion to Full, evaluations are obtained after the March faculty meeting.

How many teaching evaluations are needed?

A minimum of two evaluations are required within a year of review. Who provides them differs depending on whether you are located on a regional campus or the main campus.

When does review begin?

Fourth-year review is initiated in October prior to the February CEF meeting. Tenure/Full review is initiated in March prior to the October CEF meeting. At a kick-off meeting, candidates meet with the Chair of the CEF, who discusses the stages in the review and answers questions. A Timeline is distributed that describes the review process in detail, along with information on dossier creation and due dates.

How are external letter writers chosen?

Senior faculty generates a list of 10-12 names, which the candidate must screen for conflicts of interest. The candidate can suggest up to three names. External evaluators must meet a number of criteria to be eligible and the final list must be approved by the Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs in the College.

I am interested in being promoted to Professor. What should I do?

No later than January of the year in which you want to be reviewed (January of 2022 for review in autumn, 2022), consult with Fulls in your area, the Chair of the CEF, and the Chair of the Department about being considered for review. The purpose of these meetings is to obtain input on the record of research, teaching, and service. At the March faculty meeting, Area faculty will present your case. The CEF (all Fulls) will discuss and vote on the request. The review can proceed given a majority positive vote.

Do I have to use Interfolio to create the dossier?

The Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, Shari Speer, currently recommends that you draft the dossier in Interfolio (it is particularly good at harvesting citations) and then export it to Word format for revisions and completion.

Additional Information:

OAA Handbook - Promotion and Tenure Review

Department of Psychology Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure OAA approved 2-15-21