Apply for the AU25 UGTE Cohort! Applications due March 16 at 11:59PM.
Questions? Contact Dr. Lisa Cravens-Brown
The Undergraduate Teaching Experience (UGTE) program is a one or two semester experience that gives 12-14 students the opportunity to learn evidence-based teaching skills through working in psychology courses. This program is a teaching apprenticeship designed to build community, provide students with one-on-one mentorship with a faculty member, improve teaching excellence, and build leadership skills. As such, this is not a traditional course assistant position. UGTE apprentices do not grade student work; they learn how to teach.

In this program apprentices will:
- Register for 2-3 hours of 3193.02 (3 hours of which can count as an elective for the psychology major).
- Meet as a cohort with Dr. CB every Wednesday from 8-9am to build community and learn about evidence-based teaching.
- Be matched with a psychology course and faculty mentor (in the past, students have been matched with the freshmen survey course, PSYCH 1100, 2220, 2300, 2303, 3313, 4475, 4532, etc.). Apprentices will attend the class they are matched with and have regular meetings with their faculty mentor.

Entry from the shared UGTE cohort journal.
UGTE benefits to students:
- Community connections
- Leadership experience
- Teaching experience
- One-on-one mentorship with faculty
Qualities of successful applicants:
- Self-directed
- Strong interest in teaching
- 6 or 9 open hours each week
- Completion of at least 3 core psych classes
Examples of past apprentice work & testimonials:

“This program provides an environment where like-minded students
can be vulnerable with each other in their teaching journey.” -Mia Castro
“Through the things I have been able to experience (creating weekly newsletters, hosting review sessions, leading classroom lecture and discussion) I've been able to see other students "aha" moments, and moments of excitement through content I've created.”- Aalissia Thomas
“It was rewarding to work with incoming freshman to help them assimilate into life on campus and to help them navigate life as psychology majors. It also feels good to be the olive branch

between faculty and the student body.” -Eric Bridge
“UGTE is a great place to learn teaching and communication skills regardless of your current skill level. In fact, the best cohort moments were when we talked about embracing failure.” -Natalie Noble
“UGTE definitely challenges you to think differently.
It gives you the opportunity to adapt in unexpected situations,
such as when things don’t go as planned, which happens every day.” -Katrice Stallworth