
Katy Lenz and Benedetta Leuner awarded a new 4-year grant from NSF
The Department of Psychology would like to congratulate Dr. Katy Lenz and Dr. Benedetta Leuner. They were recently awarded a new 4-year grant from NSF titled ‘Neuroimmune Contributions to…

Jolynn Pek to receive the Anne Anastasi Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award from APA Division 5
Jolynn Pek will receive the Anne Anastasi Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award from Division 5 (Quantitative and Qualitative Methods) of the American Psychological Association during the…

Ian Krajbich awarded a 3-year grant from The National Science Foundation
Ian Krajbich has been awarded a new 3-year grant from The National Science Foundation titled ‘The Dynamics of Unique Decisions.’
Congratulations Ian!

Dr. Katy Lenz and Dr. Benedetta Leuner Awarded The Ohio State University Addiction Innovation Initiative Seed Grant
The Department of Psychology would like to congratulate Dr. Katy Lenz and Dr. Benedetta Leuner on being awarded The Ohio State University Addiction Innovation Initiative Seed Grant. …

Scott Hayes Awarded 5-year Grant from the National Institute on Aging
Scott Hayes has recently been awarded a new 5-year, NIA R01, 'Contributions of modifiable physical attributes to cognitive and brain aging', with total costs over $3 million.

Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan Receives the 2021 Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award
Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan has received the 2021 Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring award from the office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry. Sarah was nominated by an…

Rosalee Meyer Receives the 2021 Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer
Rosalee Meyer is the recipient of the 2021 Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer. This is the most prestigious teaching recognition for lecturers at OSU, awarded to no more…

Laura Wagner Receives the 2021 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching
Laura Wagner is the recipient of the 2021 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching. This is the most prestigious teaching recognition for tenure-track faculty at OSU, awarded to no more…