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Careers with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

Although the list below is not comprehensive or exhaustive, it does highlight some of the typical jobs one can obtain with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. While not all of the positions listed require a bachelor’s degree, it is often necessary for career advancement and salary increases.

As can be seen from the diversity of jobs listed, the skill set of a psychology major can be effective in a range of positions, including health care, sales and marketing, human services and research. Further, if you receive a bachelor’s degree in psychology, you do not have to go into a psychology related field.

Note: A degree in psychology alone will not guarantee acceptance into these job fields. Many of the jobs listed below require specific additional skills and/or prerequisite coursework. Please consult with your academic advisor or a career counselor for more specific information.

*Summarized from the APA Guideline for the Undergraduate Psychology Major: Version 2.0*

If you need assistance preparing for a career out of undergrad, please contact ASC Center for Career and Professional Success or Buckeye Careers for additional resources.

Careers starting with:  A-D   |   E-L   |   M-Q   |   R-Z

Activities Director

Advertising Sales Representative

Alumni Relations

Animal Trainer

Army Mental Health Specialist

Benefits Manager


Child Development Specialist

Claims Supervisor


Computer Programmer

Conservation Officer

Correctional Treatment Specialist

Corrections Officer

Criminal Investigator

Customer Service Representative Supervisor

Database Administrator

Database Design Analyst


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Employee Health Maintenance Program Specialist

Event Planner

Financial Advisor


Health Educator

Human Resource Advisor

Insurance Agent

Job Analyst

Labor Relations Manager

Loan Officer

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Management Analyst

Market Research Analyst

Medical and Health Service Manager

News Writer/Writer

Paralegal/Legal Assistant

Police Officer

Preschool Teacher

Probation/Parole Officer

Psychiatric Aide/Attendant

Psychiatric Technician

Public Relations Representative

Purchasing Agent

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Real Estate Agent

Recreational Therapist

Research Assistant

Sales Manager

Social and Community Service Manager

Substance Abuse Counselor

Systems Analyst

Technical Writer

Training and Development Specialist


Victims’ Advocate

Vocational Training Teacher

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