Dr Raymond Montemayor

Dr Raymond Montemayor

Dr Raymond Montemayor

Emeritus Associate Professor, Developmental


Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1974-Adolescent development. Current work: Parent-adolescent conflict; transformation of family relations between childhood and adolescence; relations between adolescents and their mothers and fathers; gender-role development during adolescence.

Journal Publications

The Ellen Thornburg I Knew. Montemayor, Raymond Journal of Early Adolescence Vol 24(1)2004 p.6-8 Sage Publications, US

Adolescent affection and helpfulness toward parents: A 2-year follow-up. Eberly, Mary B.; Montemayor, Raymond Journal of Early Adolescence Vol 19(2)1999 p.226-248 Sage Publications, US

Doing good deeds: An examination of adolescent prosocial behavior in the context of    parent-adolescent relationships. Eberly, Mary B.; Montemayor, Raymond Journal of Adolescent Research Vol 13(4)1998 p.403-432 Sage Publications, US

The influence of parent negative emotional expression on adolescents' perceptions of their relationships with their parents. Flannery, Daniel J.; Montemayor, Raymond; Eberly, Mary B. Personal Relationships Vol 1(3)1994 p.259-274 Blackwell Publishing, United Kingdom

The relationship between gender role orientation and perceived self-competency in male and female adolescents. Rose, Amanda J.; Montemayor, Raymond Sex Roles Vol 31(9-10)1994 p.579-595 Springer, Germany

Unraveling the ties that bind: Affective expression and perceived conflict in parent-adolescent interactions. Flannery, Daniel J.; Montemayor, Raymond; Eberly, Mary; Torquati, Julie Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Vol 10(4)1993 p.495-509 Sage Publications, US

Effects of pubertal status and conversation topic on parent and adolescent affective expression. Montemayor, Raymond; Eberly, Mary; Flannery, Daniel J. Journal of Early Adolescence Vol 13(4)1993 p.431-447 Sage Publications, US

Variation in adolescent helpfulness toward parents in a family context. Eberly, Mary B.; Montemayor, Raymond; Flannery, Daniel J. Journal of Early Adolescence Vol 13(3)1993 p.228-244 Sage Publications, US

A naturalistic study of the involvement of children and adolescents with their mothers and friends: Developmental differences in expressive behavior. Montemayor, Raymond; Flannery, Daniel J. Journal of Adolescent Research Vol 4(1)1989 p.3-14 Sage Publications, US

Fathers, mothers, and adolescents: Gender-based differences in parental roles during adolescence. Montemayor, Raymond; Brownlee, John R. Journal of Youth and Adolescence Vol 16(3)1987 p.281-291 Springer, Germany

Family variation in parent-adolescent storm and stress. Montemayor, Raymond Journal of Adolescent Research Vol 1(1)1986 p.15-31 Sage Publications, US

The development of sex differences in friendship patterns and peer group structure during adolescence. Montemayor, Raymond; Van Komen, Roger Journal of Early Adolescence Vol 5(3)1985 p.285-294 Sage Publications, US

A naturalistic view of conflict between adolescents and their parents and siblings. Montemayor, Raymond; Hanson, Eric Journal of Early Adolescence Vol 5(1)1985 p.23-30 Sage Publications, US

Maternal employment and adolescents' relations with parents, siblings, and peers. Montemayor, Raymond Journal of Youth and Adolescence Vol 13(6)1984 p.543-557 Springer, Germany

Picking up the pieces: The effects of parental divorce on adolescents with some suggestions for school-based intervention programs. Montemayor, Raymond Journal of Early Adolescence Vol 4(4)1984 p.289-314 Sage Publications, US

Identity formation during early adolescence. Adams, Gerald R.; Montemayor, Raymond Journal of Early Adolescence Vol 3(3)1983 p.193-202 Sage Publications, US

Parents and adolescents in conflict: All families some of the time and some families most of the time. Montemayor, Raymond Journal of Early Adolescence Vol 3(1-2)1983 p.83-103 Sage Publications, US

Maternal employment and adolescent development. Montemayor, Raymond; Clayton, Mark D. Theory Into Practice Vol 22(2)1983 p.112-118 Ohio State Univ Press, US

Parent-absent children: A demographic analysis of children and adolescents living apart from their parents. Montemayor, Raymond; Leigh, Geoffrey K. Family Relations Vol 31(4)1982 p.567-573 Blackwell Publishing, United Kingdom

The relationship between parent-adolescent conflict and the amount of time adolescents spend alone and with parents and peers. Montemayor, Raymond Child Development Vol 53(6)1982 p.1512-1519 Blackwell Publishing, United Kingdom

Age segregation of adolescents in and out of school. Montemayor, Raymond; Van Komen, Roger Journal of Youth and Adolescence Vol 9(5)1980 p.371-381 Springer, Germany

Men and their bodies: The relationship between body type and behavior. Montemayor, Raymond Journal of Social Issues Vol 34(1)1978 p.48-64 Blackwell Publishing, United Kingdom

Erratum to Montemayor and Eisen. Montemayor, Raymond; Eisen, Marvin    Developmental Psychology Vol 13(6)1977 p.571 American Psychological Association, US

The cross-lagged panel design: A review. Marmor, Gloria S.; Montemayor, Raymond Perceptual and Motor Skills Vol 45(3, Pt 1)1977 p.883-893 Perceptual & Motor Skills, US

The development of self-conceptions from childhood to adolescence. Montemayor, Raymond; Eisen, Marvin Developmental Psychology Vol 13(4)1977 p.314-319 American Psychological Association, US

Children's performance in a game and their attraction to it as a function of sex-typed labels. Montemayor, Raymond Child Development Vol. 45(1)1974 p.152-156 Blackwell Publishing, United Kingdom

Interaction of environmental enrichment and genotype. Manosevitz, Martin; Montemayor, Raymond J. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology Vol 79(1)1972 p.67-76 American Psychological Association, US


The Experiences of Adolescents: One Story is Worth a Thousand Studies. Montemayor, Raymond PsycCRITIQUES Vol 39 (9)1994 p.879-880 American Psychological Association, US

CP reviewers: Researchers or graduate students? Montemayor, Raymond PsycCRITIQUES Vol 39 (4)1994 p.439-440 American Psychological Association, US

Review of Adolescence, Adolescents (2nd ed.). Montemayor, Raymond PsycCRITIQUES Vol 36 (11)1991 p.1008 American Psychological Association, US

Review of The Anatomy of Adolescence: Young People's Social Attitudes in Britain. Montemayor, Raymond PsycCRITIQUES Vol 36 (1)1991 p.77-78 American Psychological Association, US

Review of Jocks and Burnouts: Social Categories and Identity in the High School. Montemayor, Raymond PsycCRITIQUES Vol 35 (11)1990 p.1095 American Psychological Association, US

Review of Early Adolescence and the Search for Self. Montemayor, Raymond PsycCRITIQUES Vol 35 (9)1990 p.907 American Psychological Association, US

The Mind of a Moralist. Montemayor, Raymond PsycCRITIQUES Vol 30 (12)1985 p.953-954 American Psychological Association, US

The development and differentiation of role expectations in children and adolescents. Montemayor, Raymond J. Dissertation Abstracts International Vol 36(1-B)1975 p.424 ProQuest Information & Learning, US


Delinquent violent youth: Theory and interventions. Gullotta, Thomas P.; Adams, Gerald R.; Montemayor, Raymond 1998 Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA, US viii, 320pp.

Fathers and adolescents. Hosley, Cheryl A.; Montemayor, Raymond 1997 p.162-178 The role of the father in child development (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons Inc, Hoboken, NJ, US x, 416pp.

Psychosocial development during adolescence. Adams, Gerald R.; Montemayor, Raymond; Gullotta, Thomas P. 1996 Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA, US ix, 322pp.

Personal relationships during adolescence. Montemayor, Raymond; Adams, Gerald R.; Gullotta, Thomas P. 1994 Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA, US vii, 254pp.

Adolescent sexuality. Gullotta, Thomas P.; Adams, Gerald R.; Montemayor, Raymond 1993 Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA, US viii, 220pp.

From childhood to adolescence: A transitional period? Montemayor, Raymond; Adams, Gerald R.; Gullotta, Thomas P. 1990 Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA, US 308pp.

Making the transition from childhood to early adolescence. Montemayor, Raymond; Flannery, Daniel J. 1990 p.291-301 From childhood to adolescence: A transitional period? Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA, US 308pp.

Continuity and change in the behavior of nonhuman primates during the transition to adolescence. Montemayor, Raymond 1990 p.19-40 From childhood to adolescence: A transitional period? Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA, US 308pp.

Developing social competency in adolescence. Gullotta, Thomas P.; Adams, Gerald R.; Montemayor, Raymond 1990 Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA, US 272pp.

Biology of adolescent behavior and development. Adams, Gerald R.; Montemayor, Raymond; Gullotta, Thomas P. 1989 Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA, US 315pp.

Boys as fathers: Coping with the dilemmas of adolescence. Montemayor, Raymond 1986 p.1-18 Adolescent fatherhood. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, Hillsdale, NJ, England xiii, 204pp.

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