Weary Symposium

On June 18-19, the Department of Psychology hosted the Weary Symposium on Diversity and Social Identity. Over 100 scholars from 33 universities attended the conference to present research, data blitzes, and posters on research examining diversity, social identity, intergroup relations and discrimination. Distinguished speakers included alumni of the OSU Social Psychology program, including Dr. Claudia Steele and Dr. Denise Sekaquaptewa, as well as several top psychologists studying diversity and social identity such as Dr. Jennifer Richeson, Dr. Hilary Bergsieker, Dr. Mary Murphy, Dr. Sylvia Perry and Dr. Jason Okonofua.
The Weary Symposium is named after Dr. Gifford Weary, former department chair, in recognition for her continued leadership and support for the social area. To view photos from the conference, see below.