Psychology Alum: Kalee Brenner

"Being open to positions that don’t seem like typical ‘psychology’ careers” is what led Kalee to her current position. Kalee is a Student Financial Services Specialist, and loves being part of the OSU community again. The variety of work each day is one of her favorite aspects of the job. Kalee particularly enjoys the opportunity to work with students and people in organizations from all over the world.
While a student at OSU, Kalee was involved in the Psychology Department's Peer Mentoring program, and the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. In addition to being open to new and different opportunities, Kalee offers students this advice: “Not to be discouraged if <students> aren't sure what exact career path they plan to pursue upon graduation. It can take time to find your passion but once you do, all the time and effort put in really pays off!”