Congratulations to CogFest Undergraduate Poster Winners!

The CogFest Undergraduate Poster Session was held on Monday, March 25th in the Thompson Library Campus Reading Room. The poster session was an opportunity for 20 undergraduate students to share their research with the Cognitive Science community at Ohio State and interact with faculty and students from across the University who are also working on questions related to human cognition, including learning, memory, perception, language, and decision making, from behavioral, applied, computational modeling, and cognitive neuroscience perspectives.
This year, two Psychology undergraduate students Sydney Clark and Alexandria Barkhimer, won first and second place respectively. Congratulations to these two women on this extraordinary achievement!

Sydney Clark next to her research: "The Effects of Training on Pre-Algebraic Pattern Thinking in Preschoolers."

Alexandria Barkhimer next to her research: "Investigating semantic priming in adulthood: differential contribution of subtypes of thematic relatedness."