Class of (AU) 2018: Jacqui Levine

Jacqui, from Marlboro, NJ fell in love with both Columbus and Ohio State as soon as she arrived for a visit her senior year of high school. Finding psychology was a bit more challenging, however, but after a few months in University Exploration, she discovered psychology was a great fit given her interest in helping children with special needs.
So far, Ohio State is exceeding her expectations: She works as a lab manager in Dr. Prakash’s Clinical Neuroscience lab, spent two years as a Psychology Student Ambassador, worked as an early intervention intern at The Haugland Learning Center, and attended many psychology events and programs. Her advice to other students hoping for a similar undergraduate experience: “Get involved within your major. Reach out to professors who you might be interested in working with. Go to events, such as PEPs to learn about the different career and learning opportunities available. Talk to and learn from as many people, students, professors, advisors, as possible. We have incredible resources at this school; make the most out of it!”
After graduation in December, Jacqui plans to continue her work in Dr Prakash’s lab before starting graduate school in School Psychology in either New York or New Jersey next fall.