Zeynep Saygin's TedTalk

Zeynep's talk focuses on new research that delves into the complexities of fetal development and the implications it has on a child's unknown future. Dr. Saygin is a professor at The Ohio State University and director of the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (zeynepsaygin.com). She received her Sc.B. in Neuroscience from Brown University, and her Ph.D. from MIT. She is interested in the origins of the human mind and investigates how mind and brain change with experience and maturation. She uses noninvasive neuroimaging methods (MRI) to predict the cognitive and pathological development of neonates, infants, and older children longitudinally across their lifespan. Dr. Saygin is the recipient of the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship in Neuroscience. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.