Modality-Specific Forgetting Publication

Ashleigh Maxcey Ph.D., a visiting Associate Professor in the Psychology Department, has recently had a paper examining modality-specific forgetting published in the journal, Psychonomic, Bulletin & Review. Laura Janakiefski, Emma Megla, Madison Smerdell and Samantha Stallkamp, all undergraduate students at Ohio State, work in Dr. Maxcey's lab, contributed to the creation of the experimentation, and co-authored the paper.
Regarding her work with these four women, Dr. Maxcey said, "The undergraduate students working in my lab function as graduate students. They are hardworking, dedicated, communicative, responsible and throughtful. They pay atttention to detail and critically think about what we are doing and why we are doing it. I can't wait to see what they accomplish after OSU."
The undergraduate students considered their time working with Maxcey to be a meaningful experience which futher their academic careers. Janakiefski and Megla both have plans to continue this line of work after being accepted into highly regarded Ph.D. programs. On their time working in the Visual Memory lab, Stallkamp summarized her experience as, "By far the best decision I have made in college. I am so proud of the work we have done with Dr. Maxcey and feel honored to have a publication with her and my fellow Research Assistants."